Pros and Cons | Selenium WebDriver

In today's IT companies, for automating Web Applications, Selenium WebDriver is highly used and is the most common free open source tool. Anyone and everyone can get hold of it within a certain time to start with automating different applications. I will be listing down various advantages and disadvantages of Selenium WebDriver in this article.

Before Starting with the advantages of Selenium WebDriver, let me give a brief introduction of Selenium. Selenium was introduced in 2004 by ThoughtWorks in order to automate web applications. With time, various components were released namely - Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Grid and lastly WebDriver.

Advantages of using Selenium WebDriver -

  1. Selenium is an open source. No need of licenses unlike QTP. Everyone and anyone can download, install and learn it quickly.
  2. It supports multiple languages. No need to learn an additional language to automate web applications using selenium. Various programming languages supported are - Java, C#, .net, Python, Javascript, ruby, perl, php.
  3. Works across all the platforms such as Mac, Windows, Linux, unix.
  4. Supports cross browser testing. Can be operated on different browsers such as Chrome, opera, firefox, IE, Safari.
  5. Supports Headless execution without using any browser using HTMLUnitdriver and PhantomJS.
  6. It can be integrated with any open source unit testing frameworks such as Junit, Test NG.These are Test- driven Development frameworks(TDD).
  7. It supports Behavior-Driven Development frameworks such as Cucumber, Serenity and JBehave. 
  8. It is very light weight and is available in the form of API.
  9. Supports CI-CD Integration such as Jenkins.
  10. Can be executed in local machines as well as VM/ Remote/ Server. Few of the platforms are Docker, AWS, BrowserStack, Saucelabs.
  11. Allows you to use wrappers extensively such as Appium(Mobile Testing), Protractor(For Javascript), Watir(Ruby), Robot Framework(Python).
Disadvantages of using Selenium WebDriver -

  1. No support is provided by the team.
  2. Programming prerequisite is required before starting off with Selenium WebDriver.
  3. Incapable of automating Desktop based applications.
  4. No feature to generate Reports such as QTP does.
  5. Inability to automate Bar codes or captchas.


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