
Showing posts from November, 2019

Working on your Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the most important ingredient when you are working on your English. Any person can win an argument if he/ she knows a wide variety of vocabulary and it simply puts you ahead of other people. Listen to the speeches of successful people and listen to the vocab they use. It is paramount to work on your vocabulary if you are working for Business. Vocabulary is used in Marketing, dealing with the clients globally and one should always work on improvising it. We will be sharing some tips and tricks that will help you get started in this article. Vocabulary can also be divided into 2 categories - Active Vocabulary - Words that are used daily Passive Vocabulary - Words that you understand but do not use day-to-day. There are different terms we go through when learning English - Adjectives Adverbs Verbs Gerunds - Articles Pronouns- Nouns- Conjunctions Prepositions What are these? Well, we will explain each of it with examples Adjectives Adjectives are

Merge two arrays into a single sorted array using Java

Arrays are very important if you want to build a core foundation of programming. Be it any language, Arrays comes very handily in the data structure. In this article, we will share how to merge 2 different arrays into a single sorted array using Java language. We will also show the optimization being done using Java 8 Stream API library which will shorten the length of the program entirely. Merge two arrays into a single sorted array using Java (using old versions of Java) The code will consist of three different sections - Merge two arrays Remove duplicates Sorting the merged array Step 1 - Merging two different arrays //Defining mergedArray with combined size of arrayA and arrayB int[] mergedArray = new int[arrayA.length + arrayB.length]; //Initializing pointers of arrayA, arrayB and mergedArray with 0 int i=0, j=0, k=0; //Inserting all elements of arrayA into mergedArray while (i < arrayA.length) {  mergedArray[k] = arrayA[i];  k++;  i++; } //Inserting all elem

IELTS Band 9 essay - 3

Sharing one of the IELTS Band 9 essays along with the outstanding vocabulary used in it. IELTS Band 9 Essay  Another Task 1 Band 9 answers - So I came through this fascinated article from Simon which propelled me to share it. The vocabulary used in this article is awesome and the idea is connected throughout. Some of the vocabularies that can be reused are - positive effect on my lief compounding effect that small decisions and minuscule changes can have on people's lives world-renowned expert more productive, motivated and happy forced to confront my own habits and behaviours. a significant and long-lasting difference well researched, well reasoned and well written cutting-edge research  life-altering ideas More vocabulary containing Collocations -  Another sample IELTS band 9 problem statement is given below - The solution to the above problem statement - Vocabulary to take note of from the above sample essay - modernise and

Using Java Stream API

Java 8 came up with a lot of cool features such as Stream, Lambda expressions which can help reduce your code complexity and make operations easier. One of the examples will be shared in this article which can help you implement some cool features of Java 8 in your organization. Using Java Stream API Stream API can come in handy if you are an automation guy and is looking to reduce some code and building new logic. Today we will focus on how to retrieve the text of the web elements using Stream API and lambda expressions. To begin with, first, we will use the old traditional way of extracting the text from web element in the code shown below - Java 8 came with a new package called which consists of interfaces and classes to deal with collection and arrays in an effective way. One of the most significant interfaces in Stream API is called Stream <T> which has methods like filter(), map(), count(), distinct() which can solve complex code problems. Consider

Interview Experience at HCL for Software Automation testing profile

One of our friends appeared for an interview at HCL for Automation testing. We will share the questions asked to him in the interview below along with the solutions for the 2-3 years of experience. Interview Experience at HCL for Automation Testing What is a surefire plugin? - The surefire plugin is used in the testing phase to execute the unit tests of an application. It can generate reports in 2 different formats - .txt and .xml files. What is the difference between Set and List?   - The list is a type of ordered collection that maintains the elements in insertion order while set is an unordered collection where elements are not maintained in any order. The list allows duplicate elements whereas Set doesn't allow any duplicate elements. How to read data from an Excel sheet in Selenium? - By using POI library, one can read data from an Excel file using Selenium.  We found the above image in one of the websites and it precisely explains all the interface and classes

Introducing AWS

Whenever we hear about cloud computing, three of the most popular platforms comes into our mind. They are AWS by Amazon, Azure by Microsoft and Google Cloud Platform by Google. They are the leading competitors when it comes to providing the platform to provide the services on the cloud. So what services do AWS provides and how it can be useful for your organization. This article will cover all the terminologies associated with AWS which can help you understand it better. There are few acronyms related to AWS such as EC2, VPS and S3. The cloud computing offers service which is pretty much the same as that of VMs. One can connect to the machine provided by AWS and work on it. In other words, it is similar to accessing a website. Below are some of the terminologies which are used in AWS - IAM It stands for identity and access management. It allows you to control who has access to what services in your account. Not everyone can have all the access like Admin. For example, there are

Introducing Macros for Excel

Excel has been the core of the companies. Whatever the company is, nothing can be managed without using Excel. There are some scenarios where we perform the same operation on a daily basis using Excel sheets, which can be tedious and hectic and can stop you from doing any productive work. So, In order to overcome it, we are sharing few excel hacks. Most of you might have heard about Macros in Excel. It can be used to simplify your day-to-day tasks. Not only Excel even PPTs can be automated using Macros. So if you are from a Manual background, getting a strong grip on Macros will put you one step ahead of your colleagues. How to enable developer option in PPT Before we begin with Macros, we need to enable the Developer tab in Macros which can be configured as Go to File -> Options -> customize Ribbon -> Enable Developer option. Now after enabling the Developer option, we need to configure Macros settings for that scroll towards Macro security -> Macro settings -> D

Introducing Python

Python is the leading language in the industry. It has passed Java in terms of popularity and is growing day by day. It offers lots of libraries which can help solve technical challenges quite easily. With AI and ML booming in the market and all the big giants like Google, Microsoft adopting it, it has become absolutely imperative to switch to Python libraries. In this article, we will share all that one should know about Python and it's syntax. It is a beginner level course and anyone can start learning it. Recently Python released 3.7 version on October 19,2019. One can start by downloading and installing PyCharm . PyCharm is an interpreter where you can actually test the Python coding. How to print Hello World in Python Believe me, it's very simple - print("Hello World") That's it!!!! Easy? Isn't it? Variables in Python - As you already know, variables are the memory location where we store the data. To assign the value in a variable Eq