Coforge Interview Questions | Automation Testing profile

In this article we will cover recent Coforge Interview questions asked for testing profile. 

Date of Interview - 19th December 2020

Mode of Interview - Web conference through TEAMS

Interviewer - Rahul Sharma

Round - L1

Coforge Interview Questions | Automation testing profile

Round L1
  • Tell me about your project
    • I have been working as a QA for XYZ company from 5.4 years, during this tenure,  I have learnt about Manual testing, Selenium, Database testing, TestNg, framework designing and API testing.
  • What is a webdriver?
    • A webdriver is a an automation framework that allows executing our tests in different browsers. It also supports headless execution using HtmlUnit driver.
  • What are hooks?
    • @Before and @After are called Hooks, they are used before and after any test scenario.
  • How would you like your automation framework to be designed?
  • How can you use data properties in Test NG framework?
  • Explain Access specifiers?
    • Access modifiers define the visibility of the class. There are four different access modifiers used in Java- Private, Public, Protected and default. If no access modifier is defined for the class, then by it has default access modifier. 
      1. Private - If a variable is declared as Private, then it can only be used by the same class and it cannot be accessed outside that class. Classes and interfaces cannot be declared private.
      2. Public - Methods/ Variables declared with public access modifier can be accessed by all other classes. 
      3. Protected - Protected variables can be accessed by the classes of the same package and even sub-classes of a different package. Although, the access modifier cannot be used for classes and interfaces.
      4. Default - Visibility in the same package.
      Access modifiers in Java

  • Explain Final keyword for class, method and variable?
    • Final keyword on the other side, could be declared with a method, class or variable. 
      • It is used to restrict the scope
      • If a variable is declared Final, its value cannot be changed and it will be considered as constant.
      • If method is declared Final, it cannot be overriden. However, it can be inherited.
      • If a class is declared Final, it cannot be extended.
  • What are Groovy Closures?

  • How will you deal with the dialog box in windows using Selenium?
  • How will you find the background color?
    • getCSSValue() method
  • What is the difference between SOAP and REST?
    • SOAP API is a protocol and it is largely based on HTTP and XML.  REST API has no official standard, it uses multiple standards such as HTTP, JSON, URL, and XML. SOAP stands for Simple Object Access protocol and REST stands for Representational State Transfer. REST API takes fewer resources and memory in comparison with SOAP API. REST API uses WADL( Web Application Description Language) Whereas SOAP API uses WSDL(Web Services Description Language).

    • REST in comparison with SOAP is easy to use and understand, it uses HTTP and basic CRUD operations. It utilises less bandwidth. It is stateless. REST can be cached for better performance and scalability. REST uses GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.

  • How will you find the count of textboxes in a webpage?
    • int boxes = driver.findElements(By.xpath(".//*[@class='dijitReset dijitInputInner']")).size();
    • OR
    • List  textboxes=driver.findElements(By.xpath("//input[@type='text'[@class='inputtext']"));
    • System.out.println("total textboxes "+textboxes.size());
  • How can you perform drag and drop using Selenium?
    • By using Actions class
    • Actions act = new Actions(driver);
    • act.dragAndDrop(From, To).build.perform();
    • Implicitly below actions are performed when we use dragAndDrop method
      • clickAndHold()
      • Move mouse actions
      • button release action
      • Build()
      • Perform()
  • how can you perform cross browser testing?
    • We define the property name as browser and pass the value in testing.xml file.
  • What framework do you use?
  • How can you perform parallel execution using Selenium?
    • By achieving session handling. In test suite, we can provide thread count value and parallel keyword along with method/ class.
  • How can you perform parallel execution using TestNg?
    • By using DataProvider and Thread-count="n"parallel ="methods" where n is the number of times we want to run the test case. The parallel attribute can be set on tests, methods or classes based upon the user requirement. It has to be defined in testng.xml file. We can reduce the execution time using a parallel attribute as test cases are run simultaneously.
  • Tell me the response codes meaning
    • 404 - Not found
    • 302 - Found
    • 500 - Internal Server error
    • 200 - Ok
  • Difference between Java and Groovy?
    • Groovy is a subset of Java, it can be used as programming as well as scripting language.
    • Java is statically typed language and Groovy is optionally typed dynamic language
  • Difference between Statically typed language and dynamically typed language?
    • dynamically-typed languages perform type checking at runtime, while statically typed languages perform type checking at compile time.
L1 round was easily covered and I got the call from HR on Tuesday and they asked me to prepare for 2nd round - L2. 

Within 2 days I got the mail invite, there were 4 people involved in the email but only one guy appeared- Karan Singh Sandhu.

Round L2

Interviewer - Karan Singh Sandhu
  • How do you measure priority and severity?
    • Severity - Degree of impact a bug or defect has on the software application under test.
    • Categorized as per below category
      • Critical
      • Major
      • Moderate
      • Minor
      • Cosmetic
    • Severity is associated with functionality or standards
    • Severity is determined by the QA.
    • QA needs to think like an end user when deciding severity.
    • Priority - Order is defined in which a defect needs to be fixed.
    • Categorised into
      • High
      • Medium
      • Low
    • Priority is decided by client/ Manager.
    • Priority is based upon customer requirements
  • Rest the interviewer was more focused on the process which we followed in our organisation.
  • There was a question on bug tracking tool - ALM
  • It was not a technical interview but rather process oriented.

Even after answering all the questions in 2nd round, I was not selected and it took me by surprise.
Please feel free to add more questions in the comment section so that it would be useful for the readers. Happy Learning and sharing!


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