ITC Infotech Automation interview experience

In this article we will cover the interview experience of ITC Infotech Pvt Ltd for the role of Automation Testing for the client Fidelity in Gurgaon location.

ITC Infotech Automation interview experience

Company - ITC Infotech
Location - Gurgaon
Job Role - Automation Engineer
Date of Interview - 18th April 2021
Interviewer - Priyanka Arora

  • Tell me about yourself
  • What is a test plan?
  • What user roles are associated with Agile?
  • What do we do for Sprint 0?
  • Difference between String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer?
  • Can we perform get operation using Put?
  • What do you understand by Constructor?
  • What is the difference between abstract class and interface?
  • What do you understand by inheritance?
  • What do you understand by polymorphism?
  • Can there be 2 foreign keys?
    • Yes a table can have multiple foreign keys and each foreign key may be associated with different parent table.
    • Each table can have only one non null unique primary key.
To conclude, the interviewer was really cooperative and asked only high level questions and almost agreed with every answer.

Round 2 - Client interview

Next round was taken by the client of ITC - Fidelity.

Date of Interview - 23rd April 2021
Interviewer - Pratush(Test Lead) and Utkarsh Sinha(Test Manager)

  • Define waits in selenium?
  • Define OOPS concepts?
  • Give example of OOPS in your framework?
  • Explain your framework?
  • What is your role in your current organization?
  • Write an SQL query to find top 5 employees who are having even salary?
    • To find even salary we use below query 
      • Select * from Employee Where MOD(salary,2)=0;
    • To find odd salary we use below query
      • select * from Employee where MOD(salary,2) =1;
    • To find the top 3 employees , we use TOP keyword
      • select Top 3 * from employees;
  • Write down the test cases for a lift/ Elevator?
  • Write down the test cases for a pen?
  • Give the example of high Severity and low priority?
  • How can you extract unique records from a list without using Set?
  • What is the difference between git pull and git fetch?

How can you extract unique records from a list without using Set?

Date of interview - 7th May 2021
Interviewer - Shaifi Mehta and Saumya

  • What is the difference between priority and Severity?
    • Priority is defined as the order by which the defect should be fixed. Whereas severity is the impact of a bug in business.
    • Priority is defined by the client requirement and severity is defined by the QA.
    • Examples of Priority and Severity -
      • High Priority and high severity - Key feature doesn't work, for an example - we are getting error 404 not found.
      • High Priority and low severity - Company logo is in the wrong color
      • Low priority and high severity - Feature that is rarely used that doesn't work. For example - some link in the footer.
      • Low priority and low severity - Some caption in the image is written in the wrong font.
  • How do you add a column into the table? What is the command used?
    • Alter Table Employee
    • Add Birthday Date;
  • What is Union command?
  • Suppose we have a table called Employee and it has columns like emp_name, state, dept and covid (+ve or -ve) and if we want to extract the emp name with the dept name having covid +ve? How would you do it?
  • Can Where and Having be used in a single query?
    • A query can contain both Having and Where clause
    • For an example -
      • SELECT titles.pub_id, AVG(titles.price)  
      • FROM titles INNER JOIN publishers  
      •    ON titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id  
      • WHERE publishers.state = 'CA'  
      • GROUP BY titles.pub_id  
      • HAVING AVG(price) > 10
  • How do you extract min row from a table?
  • How can you update a row in SQL?
  • How do you select unique rows from a table?
  • How do you find the 3rd highest salary of an employee from a table using NOT keyword?
  • Conditional operators in SQL?
  • What is the difference between DDL and DML? What are the commands used?
  • Difference between for and for-each loop?


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