Real Time Automation Interview Questions - Part 4

In continuation with the latest series of Real Time Automation Interview Questions, we present you the part 4 of the course structure. Click on below links for previous parts.

Real Time Automation Interview Questions - Part 4

  • Have you used GIT in your project, can you explain about it?
    • Yes I have used GIT, It is a version control tool. Where we can maintain our central repo. we used to manage our code via GIT only. 
    • We use Git to maintain our project in our local system. So, if someone like to work on that project I need to send complete update copy to him and after that he can work on that. 
    • There are chances that single project is handled by multiple teams across the globe. So, it will be difficult if we won’t use GIT.
  • Can you give me some GIT commands which you use daily?
    • Git status- which shows status of all the files,if we have some files which is not yet added to our repo so it will give us untracked file. 
    • After that we can use GIT add command after adding it will added to particular index and we can commit this file using Git Commit -m(Message) we can commit this untracked file. Also we have Git Merge, Git Push, Git Pull, Git checkout in etc
  • How to solve merge conflict in GIT?
    • As we are only 2 tester working on this project, if we have any merge conflict I used to pull all the latest file/scripts to my local system. 
    • Then I will analyze the difference between that particular file and merge file. After that I will check with my team member whether all his imp things are covered then I will add my steps and push the script to the central repo.
  • Have you worked in Jenkins? Can you tell me how to create jobs in Jenkins?
    • We have separate Dev-Ops Team to create Jenkins jobs at broad level but we also have access to jenkins, so we have created jobs for our internal purpose. 
    •  For creating any job we have click on create new job->inside that give name of your job->select freestyle project->then add. Beside that we can provide description of our project and in source code management we can choose Git-> provide repo url ->after that provide some schedule if you want to run the job on any specific schedule time.-> select window batch command-file location-save-click on build now for running. After triggering we can check log in console
  • What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing?
    • Smoke and Sanity we can think like a same thing because both are checking important functionality. 
    • Smoke testing is done on first stable build from developer to check like whether it is stable enough to move further or not. 
    • While Sanity testing is subset of regression test which we perform on stable build and here also we used to check all the imp functionality.
  • What is Agile ceremony?
    • We have 4 Agile ceremony(events that occur during a Scrum sprint) - 
    • Sprint planning  
    • Sprint review 
    • Sprint Retrospective  
    • Daily scrum meeting.
  • Why the main method is static?
    • Java main() method is always static, so that compiler can call it without the creation of an object or before the creation of an object of the class. 
    • Static method of a class can be called by using the class name only without creating an object of a class. 
  • What is Run time Polymorphism?
    • Run-Time Polymorphism: Whenever an object is bound with the functionality at run time, this is known as runtime polymorphism. 
    • The runtime polymorphism can be achieved by method overriding. Java virtual machine determines the proper method to call at the runtime, not at the compile time.
  • Difference between list and set?
  • What is method overloading and overriding?
    • Method overriding is used to provide the specific implementation of the method that is already provided by its super class.  
    • Method overloading is performed within class.
    • Method overriding occurs in two classes that have IS-A (inheritance) relationship. 
    • In case of method overloading, parameter must be different 
    • Link :


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