Cybage Interview experience

I had an interview today at Cybage Pune location. I will be sharing the interview questions asked by the interview panel. Please go through them if you are going to an interview at Cybage.

Cybage Interview Questions

Date - 07 September 2019
Location - Pune
Company -Cybage Pvt Ltd.
Duration - 45 Mins

There are 4 rounds one has to go to crack the assessment which includes 2 Technical rounds, 1 HR round.

So the interview started with the background of my IT career followed by below questions -

First Technical Round?

  1. Which tool you prefer to automate your application?
  2. If Selenium WebDriver? Why?
  3. Let's suppose Selenium is not working for your application? Which tool you will switch to and why?
  4. How do you deal with the search page of Google while automating?
  5. Write a program to generate a random string?
  6. Difference between TDD and BDD?
  7. Test NG annotations? what is the difference between @BeforeTest and @BeforeMethod?
  8. What do you understand of Substring in Mysql?
  9. How to define the minimum and maximum salary of the employee using MySql?
  10. How can you define the framework?
  11. Why is main method declared as 'Static'?
  12. How can you use Select class? What if it doesn't work?

Solutions of Abovc problems which were answered by me are given below -

  1. I would use Selenium WebDriver to automate my application because we have huge community support available online for Selenium WebDriver compared to any other tool.
  2. Will switch to Protractor if the application is designed in Angular JS else any other compatible tool after researching.
  3. Will Store the Google research in a list and will append if statement as per my need.
  4. The Random string can be generated using Math's random function.
  5. BDD is good for non-technical people. It is a combination of both ATDD and TDD.
  6. @BeforeTest runs only once before the Method Whereas @BeforeMethod runs before each test.
  7. Substring is used to extract a string from a string. 
For Example - SELECT SUBSTRING('Testing Hackersz',1,4) AS ExtractString
will give output Test

Here parameters are - String, Start, Length

  • MAX(Column_Name) and MIN(Column_name) will return the maximum and minimum salary of the employee.
  • The Main method is static in nature because JVM can call it without creating an instance of the class.
Hope you find this article informative. Keep Learning and keep sharing!


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