Interview Experience at OneAssist Gurgaon

Recently I got a call from OneAssist Gurgaon and the guy started with the interview process. The questions asked by him are listed below. Please go through them once, hopefully, it will help you.

Interview Experience at OneAssist Gurgaon

Basic Question

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Where did you complete your graduation from and what stream you had
Selenium Questions -
  • What is a web driver? - It is an automation framework that allows executing our tests in different browsers. It also supports headless execution using HtmlUnit driver.
  • How will you instantiate a web driver? - By using WebDriver interface and using classes FirefoxDriver, ChromeDriver.
  • What is the Abstract method? - It is a method without having any body(no implementation). An Abstract method must always be declared under the Abstract class.
  • What is the difference between Abstract Class and Interface
There are basically three differences between an Abstract Class and Interface. 

  1. Firstly, in an interface, we declare public static methods without body implementation. Whereas an abstract class has any access specifiers such as public, private, etc. which might have or not have body implementation. 
  2. Secondly, a class that implements an interface must implement all its methods Whereas for Abstract class, it is not mandatory. 
  3. Lastly, a class can implement multiple interfaces but it can extend only one abstract class.
  • What is a super interface of WebDriver? - SearchContext is the super interface of the webdriver. All the abstract methods of SearchConext and WebDriver interfaces are implemented in the RemoteWebDriver class.
  • How can you fetch all the links on the webpage and validate them? - Store all the elements having the tag "a" in the list and get the size of the list. Use the "For" loop to get the listname.get(i).getAttribute("href") which should be not null. Store the result in another list and get the size of the new list.
Finding active links using WebDriver
  • How to pass the proxy in the browser using Selenium Webdriver? - Using Proxy class.  We have to create an object of the proxy class and set HTTP proxy or FTP proxy. Alongside, we need to use DesireCapability class to customize the browser settings. Please refer below code 
How to set proxy for the browser

  • What are the desired capabilities? - It is a class that is used to set up the properties of the browser. 
  • What do you understand by webservice? - Webservices is XML based information exchange system which uses the internet for the interaction between two applications by Request and Response.
  • Difference between POST and PUT? - POST creates entirely new records, Whereas PUT will either create a new record or replace the existing one. Another difference is, PUT responses are not cacheable and POST responses are cacheable. In other words, we can say that PUT is used to update the records.
  •  Difference between Webservices and API? - Always remember, all webservices are APIs but not all APIs are webservices. An API is an interface which is having some set of "functions and procedures" that allows us to build upon existing functionality of the applications. Whereas a webdriver is a software system that supports machine to machine interaction over a network. 
  • Difference between SOAP API and REST API? - SOAP API is a protocol and it is largely based on HTTP and XML.  REST API has no official standard, it uses multiple standards such as HTTP, JSON, URL, and XML. SOAP stands for Simple Object Access protocol and REST stands for Representational State Transfer. REST API takes fewer resources and memory in comparison with SOAP API. REST API uses WADL( Web Application Description Language) Whereas SOAP API uses WSDL(Web Services Description Language).
  • How to decide whether we have to use SOAP or REST? - REST in comparison with SOAP is easy to use and understand, it uses HTTP and basic CRUD operations. It utilizes less bandwidth. It is stateless. REST can be cached for better performance and scalability. REST uses GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
  • How to fetch odd rows in a table? - select * from (select ename,job, ROWNUM AS rn from emp) where mod(rn, 2) <> 0;
  • What is indexing on Database? -  Indexing is a way to optimize the performance of a database by minimizing the number of disk accesses required when a query is processed. It is a data structure technique which is used to quickly locate and access the data in a database. It consists of Key-value pair terminology where Key is known as "Search Key"and Value as "Data Reference
  • Difference between Outer Join and Left Outer Join ? - Left Outer join returns all the records from the left table and the common records between two tables whereas outer join returns all the matching as well as non-matching records from both the tables.
  • What is Self Join? - Self join allows you to join a table to itself.
  • How to run test cases in parallel using selenium? - By achieving session handling. In test suite, we can provide thread count value and parallel keyword along with method/ class.
I was rejected in the interview process but that didn't let me down, instead I noted down all the questions and prepared for it to perform better in the next interview. It was a great interview and I have had my learning from it. Hopefully, you will revise these questions before appearing for an interview in OneAssist.


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