Introducing AWS

Whenever we hear about cloud computing, three of the most popular platforms comes into our mind. They are AWS by Amazon, Azure by Microsoft and Google Cloud Platform by Google. They are the leading competitors when it comes to providing the platform to provide the services on the cloud. So what services do AWS provides and how it can be useful for your organization. This article will cover all the terminologies associated with AWS which can help you understand it better. There are few acronyms related to AWS such as EC2, VPS and S3.

The cloud computing offers service which is pretty much the same as that of VMs. One can connect to the machine provided by AWS and work on it. In other words, it is similar to accessing a website.

Below are some of the terminologies which are used in AWS -

It stands for identity and access management. It allows you to control who has access to what services in your account. Not everyone can have all the access like Admin. For example, there are multiple roles in an organization like Manager, Lead, Trainee and everyone has different access.

VPC stands for Virtual Private Cloud, It basically controls the data privately and publicly. When we create AWS VPC, we get default tables - Network ACL, Security group and Route table. To secure your VPC, you can use security groups(firewalls), access controls(ACLs) or flow logs.

S3 stands for simple storage service S3 uses a storage unit called 'Buckets'.

EC2 stands for Elastic Compute Cloud. It is a web server that receives requests and sends back the response.

Elastic cache -
With the help of ElasticCache in AWS, it becomes easier to deploy and store the data in the cloud. It is one of the web service offered by AWS.

AWS CloudTrail -
An AWS service that enables us to enable governance, risk auditing and compliance of the AWS accounts. Like the name, it is basically recording the events when any action is taken by the user, role or AWS service. Be it AWS management, console, command line interface, SDKs or APIs.

AWS CloudFront -
CloudFront enables you to distribute the content from specific regions only. It has an important feature namely GeoRestriction.

Amazon EMR -
Stands for Elastic Map Reduce,

AWS Lambda -
AWS Lambda is a computational service that lets you run the code without maintaining any servers. You are required to pay for the time that you have used it for.

Features of Amazon Cloud Search -

  • Autocomplete advice
  • Range Searches
  • Boolean Searches
  • Enter Text Search
  • Prefixes Searches
DB Engines that are used in AWS RDS -
  • Oracle DB
  • Postgress DB
  • Maria DB
  • MS Sql DB

Few Important concepts that can be asked in an interview, if you are preparing for DevOps, go through these concepts thoroughly -

  • Amazon VPS currently doesn't support either broadcast or multicast.
  • For each AWS account, 5 VPC elastic addresses are allowed.
  • A user can find the content at edge location
  • Snowball - Snowball helps in transporting the large amount of data in and out of AWS. It helps in lowering the network expenditure.
  • Autoscaling has few benefits like better scaling, cost management and higher fault tolerant.
  • Subnet - When a large amount of IP addresses are divided into small chunks, then these tiny chunks are called subnets and under one VPC, we can have 200 subnets.
  • Security groups - Virtual firewalls which controls the traffic in and out is called Security groups, It considers port, source destination and protocols.
  • AWS can be accessed by three ways - SDK, API or Console.
  • EBS - Stands for Elastic Block Stores, It will store the data even if the instances are stopped.
That's pretty much it. Although there are 100+ terminologies associated with AWS. We will cover more of them. Currently, we have covered the basic ones to get started.


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