Interview puzzles

Few of the interview puzzles which will baffle you will be shared in this article.

Interview puzzles - 

How do you pay an employee with 7 unit rod each day such that 1 unit is given per day

Solution -

  1. Cut the rod into 3 pieces - 1,  2 and 4.
  2. 1st day - pay 2 unit rod to employee
  3. 2nd day -pay 1 unit rod to an employee and take back 2 unit rod.
  4. 3rd day - pay 2 units of the rod.
  5. 4th day - pay 4 units and take back 2 and 1 unit.
  6. 5th day - Pay 2 unit
  7. 6th day - pay 1 unit and take back 2 unit
  8. 7th day - pay 2 units of the rod.
There are 2 uniform rods, both the rods gets entirely burnt in 60 mins exactly. Calculate 45 minutes by burning the rods.

Solution - We will burn 1st rod from both the ends first, that will give us 30 mins of time, once the first rod is burnt completely, the second rod is burnt from


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