Python introduction - Tutorial 1

Python is burgeoning these days! We are covering a series of Python programming on our blog, will cover from basics to automating different applications in Python. Before we begin let's understand the basics first.

What is a programming language?
A programming language is written by human beings to perform some operation in an electronic machine. In other words, A programming language is a set of instructions that is given to a translator, where a translator can be Interpreter or Compiler. A Machine understands the binary language that is in the form of 0's and 1's. To convert the programming language into Binary language, either Interpreter or Compilers are used. Now, what is the basic difference between a compiler and an interpreter? - An Interpreter converts the programming language line by line, whereas compiler converts all at once.

Which interpreter is good to use -
Well, there are plenty of interpreters available both offline and online, we would recommend to use which is an online interpreter, all you need is a decent internet connection and a computer system. For offline interpreter, you may go for PyCharm.

Fundamental Data types in Python -

  • int
  • float
  • bool
  • str
  • list
  • tuple
  • set
  • dict
We can declare customized data types and specialized data types as well using Python.


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