Response Codes in API Testing

While performing API testing we come across various response codes that have some hidden meaning and they defined the standard HTTP response codes. In this article, we will be looking at some of the response codes one must have some sound knowledge of -

Response Codes in API Testing

To Begin with, Response codes are basically divided in 5 categories and then subcategories -
  1. 1xx - Informational
  2. 2xx - Success
  3. 3xx - Redirection
  4. 4xx - Client error
  5. 5xx - Server error
Having said that, now we will be adding subcategories below  -

100 - Continue

200 - Ok
201 - Created
202 - Accepted
204 - No Content

Redirection -
301 - Moved permanently
302 - Found
303 - See other
304 - Not modified
307 - Temporary redirect

Client error -
400 - Bad Request
401 - Unauthorized
403 - Forbidden
404 - Not found
405- Method not allowed
406- Not acceptable
412-Precondition failed
415-Unsupported media type

Server error -
500-Internal Server error
501-Not Implemented
502-Bad Gateway
503-Service Unavailable
504-Gateway Timeout


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