SOAP UI Integration with other tools - Automation

I have been using SOAP UI from 2-3 years and want to cover SOAP UI Integration with other tools for End-to-End automation testing. Recently a requirement came up from our client to integrate our test cases with other tools and generate a test summary report. Although, SOAP UI provides its own reporting but we went step ahead and written some lines of code to make it easier. I will be sharing the stepwise guide for the same in this article.

SOAP UI Integration with other tools - Automation

We have been looking to cover below points in our automation framework -
  • Creation of test suite
  • Identifying the test cases
  • Service Virtualisation
  • Test Summary report.

Creation of test suite

The very first step is to create a test suite and identify the test cases. It is very basic functionality of SOAP UI and can be easily performed.

Service Virtualisation

Service virtualisation is a process by which we can still be able to fetch the response even if the external dependent systems are down. To make your consumers independent of the other source systems, service virtualisation concept is implemented. 

We tried to use Mocking in SOAP UI free tool but it was limited to a single mocked response for a set of multiple test cases. To overcome this challenge, we started looking for other tools and technologies. We got to know about Wire mock. 

Wire mock is a jar file which consists of files and mappings. It is basically a record and playback kind of a tool. We can integrate Wire mock with our web services endpoints and run a request by configuring it in our local or external server. It is the most simple and efficient tool I have came across. I am listing some salient features of wire mock.
  • Can be integrated with SOAP UI for service virtualisation
  • It is easier to configure
  • User friendly 
  • Doesn't need coding knowledge to use this
  • Test Suites can be executed using CLI and response can be mocked.
  • It captures the response all the test cases present in the test suite.
Once the Service Virtualisation was finalised we had to automate the test cases

Automation of Web services using SOAP UI

Automation can be easily performed in SOAP UI using Groovy scripting in Assertions property. We demoed it to the client, however , client has asked to perform complete validation of response instead of only few limited tags which was a challenge. We switched to the Contains function of SOAP UI which is inbuilt, however it is not recommended. 

Contains functionality is limited to only XML validation and doesn't covers JSON response.

SOAP UI Integration with ANT build tool

SOAP UI can be integrated with ANT build tool for generating a HTML report and it is pretty awesome. Earlier we were using SOAP UI inbuilt reports to print test summary report in console, since it was not presentable enough so we started exploring HTML reports for SOAP UI and found that ANT can help us in resolving our issue. All you have to do is install Apache ant in your system and write build.xml file to trigger your build

Once your build.xml file is ready you can further customise it and make changes to your report. The execution is quite simple, all you have to do is navigate to the folder where build.xml file is kept and run 'ant' cmd using CLI.

We have struggled for around 2 months to find all the solutions, I am sharing this article so that you can try this automation approach for your test cases.

Please let us know if you face any challenges or issues while implementing SOAP UI integration with other tools.


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