EY QA Interview Experience 2022

In this article, we will share EY QA Interview Experience 2022. I was contacted by EY HR and she schedule a virtual interview for 1st round.

EY QA Interview Experience 2022

Company - Ernst & Young(EY)
Job role - QA
Job location - Gurgaon
Date of Interview - 29-07-2022
HR - Chitra Chouhan
Interviewer - Lavleen Kaur

Interviewer was very polite and behaved in a very good manner. She started with basic questions and didn't cover detailed topics. I will share the questions asked.

  • Tell me about your total experience and roles and responsibilities?
  • What is the difference between unit and Integration testing? Explain with an example?
  • What is difference between verification and validation?
  • What is Priority and Severity? Give some examples?
  • What is the difference between Authorization and authentication?
    • Authorization is to check user's identity
    • Authetication determines the access rights. for ex - DBA role or admin.
  • What are http status codes?
  • What are http headers?
    • Passed as key-value pair along with payload.
    • Content-Type
    • Authorization
  • Explain your framework?
  • What is the difference between POM.xml and testng.xml?
    • POM.xml consists of required dependencies 
    • testng.xml consists if test suites which can use include and exclude, parallel execution can be done using testng.xml and also use listeners.
  • What is priority in testNg and how will it be decided if we give same priority to 2 test cases?
  • What are groups in testNG?
  • What is the difference between put and patch?
    • PUT is a method of modifying resource where the client sends data that updates the entire resource . PATCH is a method of modifying resources where the client sends partial data that is to be updated without modifying the entire data.

2nd Round technical
Interviewer - Suman Kumar

  • Explain your roles and responsibilities
  • How can we upload files to a browser?
    • Using SendKeys if we have an input tag in html DOM
    • Using Robot
    • Using Auto IT
    • Using Sikuli
  • He asked to explain each and every library in detail
  • What is the return type of findElement, findElements, getWindowHandles
    • findElement - Webelement
    • findElements - List
    • getwindowHandles - Set
  • Difference between put and patch?
  • Will the screenshot saved by Selenium will always be .jpeg? Any other extension we can save?
    • Yes, .jpeg and .png
  • How can we read excel data? what is the library used?
    • Apache POI Library
  • How can we compare 2 XMLs? or 2 JSONs? What are the libraries used?
    • XMLUnit
    • JSONAssert - Lenient mode, Strict mode, 
  • How can we change browser properties? Explain classes and methods?
    • By using Desired Capabilities
  • In SOAPUI, how we can achieve data driven testing?
    • Add Datasource loop
  • What is the difference between remote webdriver and webdriver?
There were lot of in-depth questions asked by Suman, He was majorly looking for Classes and Methods and then Implementation. If you are planning for EY QA Interview and Suman is your interviewer, please study in detail. Hope above experience will help you.

I appeared again for EY after some months. Sharing interview experience

Company - Ernst & Young(EY)
Job role - QA
Job location - Gurgaon
Date of Interview - 22-12-2022
HR - Rishabh Gupta/ Khushboo Rawat
Interviewer - Suman Kumar

  • What is your technical background?
  • How to perform double click in Selenium?
    • Using doubleClick() method
  • Suppose you hit a webservice and it is taking too long to respond, how do you wait for it to load? What code you will write?
  • What reports can be generated in BDD?
  • What are anonymous classes?
  • Can we write body to an interface? Not even in Java 8? If yes, how can we write?
  • What are checked and uncheck exceptions in Java?
  • Explain about try-catch blocks?
  • How do you find broken links in a webpage?


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