Java MCQ Output based Questions - Constructor

In this article, we will cover some Java MCQ output based questions which will help extend your Java knowledge. Usually In Interviews nowadays, interviewer are more focused on negative questions rather than conceptual questions, and If you go through below questions, It will surely give you an add on and add value to your experience.

Java MCQ Output based Questions

Constructor in Java

class First
public First() { System.out.println("a"); }

class Second extends First
public Second() { System.out.println("b"); }

class Third extends Second
public Third() { System.out.println("c"); }

public class MainClass
public static void main(String[] args)
Third c = new Third();

Output - 

Explanation - While creating a new object of ‘Third’ type, before calling the default constructor of Third class, the default constructor of super class is called i.e, Second class and then again before the default constructor of super class, default constructor of First class is called. And hence gives such output.

class First
int i = 10;

public First(int j)
this.i = j * 10;

class Second extends First
public Second(int j)
this.i = j * 20;

public class MainClass
public static void main(String[] args)
Second n = new Second(20);


Explanation - Since in ‘Second’ class it doesn’t have its own ‘i’, the variable is inherited from the super class. Also, the constructor of parent is called when we create an object of Second.

public class MyStuff
String name;

MyStuff(String n) { name = n; }

public static void main(String[] args)
MyStuff m1 = new MyStuff("guitar");
MyStuff m2 = new MyStuff("tv");

public boolean equals(Object obj)
MyStuff m = (MyStuff) obj;
if ( != null) { return true; }
return false;

A) The output is true and MyStuff fulfills the Object.equals() contract.

B) The output is false and MyStuff fulfills the Object.equals() contract.

C) The output is true and MyStuff does NOT fulfill the Object.equals() contract.

D) The output is false and MyStuff does NOT fulfill the Object.equals() contract.

Explanation - As equals(Object obj) method in Object class, compares two objects on the basis of equivalence relation. But here we are just confirming that the object is null or not, So it doesn’t fulfill Object.equals() contract. As m1 is not null, true will be printed.

class Writer


public static void write()





class Author extends Writer


public static void write()


System.out.println("Writing book");



public class Programmer extends Author


public static void write()


System.out.println("Writing code");


public static void main(String[] args)


Author a = new Programmer();




A) Writing…

B) Writing book

C) Writing code

D) Compilation fails

Explanation - Since static methods can’t be overridden, it doesn’t matter which class object is created. As a is a Author referenced type, so always Author class method is called. If we remove write() method from Author class then Writer class method is called, as Author class extends Writer class.

class Person


private void who()


System.out.println("Inside private method Person(who)");


public static void whoAmI()


System.out.println("Inside static method, Person(whoAmI)");


public void whoAreYou()



System.out.println("Inside virtual method, Person(whoAreYou)");



class Kid extends Person


private void who()




public static void whoAmI()




public void whoAreYou()






public class Gfg


public static void main(String args[])


Person p = new Kid();






Inside static method, Person(whoAmI)



Explanation - Static binding (or compile time) happens for static methods. Here p.whoAmI() calls the static method so it is called during compile time hence results in static binding and prints the method in Person class. 

Whereas p.whoAreYou() calls the method in Kid class since by default Java takes it as a virtual method i.e, dynamic binding. In other words, Static methods cannot be overriden.

class Gfg


static int num;

static String mystr;

// constructor



num = 100;

mystr = "Constructor";


// First Static block



System.out.println("Static Block 1");

num = 68;

mystr = "Block1";


// Second static block



System.out.println("Static Block 2");

num = 98;

mystr = "Block2";


public static void main(String args[])


Gfg a = new Gfg();

System.out.println("Value of num = " + a.num);

System.out.println("Value of mystr = " + a.mystr);



Output - 

Static Block 1

Static Block 2

Value of num = 100

Value of mystr = Constructor

Explanation - Static block gets executed when the class is loaded in the memory. A class can have multiple Static blocks, which are executed in the same sequence in which they have been written into the program.

Note: Static Methods can access class variables without using object of the class. Since constructor is called when a new instance is created so firstly the static blocks are called and after that the constructor is called. If we would have run the same program without using object, the constructor would not have been called.

Which of the following are true about constructor declaration?

a) Constructors can be declared final.

b) Constructors can be surrounded by try/catch blocks.

c) Constructor cannot throw exception.

d) Constructors can hold synchronized code(so that each thread can access constructor sequentially). 

class Helper


private int data;

private Helper()


data = 5;



public class Test


public static void main(String[] args)


Helper help = new Helper();




a) Compilation error

b) 5

c) Runtime error

d) None of these

Explanation - A private constructor cannot be used to initialize an object outside the class that it is defined within because it is no longer visible to the external class.

public class Test


public Test()



new Test(10);



public Test(int temp)



new Test(10, 20);



public Test(int data, int temp)




public static void main(String[] args)


Test obj = new Test();



a) 12345

b) Compilation error

c) 15

d) Runtime error

Explanation - Constructors can be chained and overloaded. When Test() is called, it creates another Test object calling the constructor Test(int temp).

class Base


public static String s = " Super Class ";

public Base()





public class Derived extends Base


public Derived()





public static void main(String[] args)


Derived obj = new Derived();




a) 21 Super Class

b) Super Class 21

c) Compilation error

d) 12 Super Class

Explanation - Constructor call to super class must be the first statement in the constructor of the Derived class.

class Test


final int MAXIMUM;

final double PI;

public Test(int max)


MAXIMUM = max;


public Test(double pi)


PI = pi;


public static void main(String[] args)


Test t1 = new Test(1500);

Test t2 = new Test(3.145);

System.out.println("MAXIMUM : " + t1.MAXIMUM + " PI : " + t2.PI);



a) Compilation error

b) Runtime error

c) 1500 3.145

d) 3.145 1500

Explanation - As we know that we can initialize a blank final variable inside constructor also, but if there are more than one constructors then it is mandatory to initialize all final variables in all of them. This is because we can create an object of class by calling any one of the constructors, but if that constructor is not initializing any one of declared final variable than there is problem.


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