Accenture Automation Testing | SDET | Interview Experience 2024 | Pune

In this article we will cover Accenture Automation Testing Interview Questions from 2024 which could help you prepare in advance.

Accenture Automation Testing | SDET | Interview Experience 2024

Company - Accenture
Job role - Automation Engineer | SDET
Job location- Pune(Virtual)
Interviewer - Gourav Jain

Date - May 09 2024

  • Tell me about yourself?
  • Write syntax of Explicit Wait?
    • WebDriver wait = new WebDriverWait(Driver);
    • wait.until(ExpectedCondition.visibilityOfElementLocated(driver.findElement(By.xpath(""))));
  • Write syntax of an API get method and verify 200?
    • given().header("authorization", "Bearer token "). when().get(";
  • What is the difference between OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0?
    • OAuth stands for Open Authorization
    • Both OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 are authorization protocols.
    • In terms of security, OAuth 1.0 uses SSL/TLS for secure communication which can be bit more expensive. On other side, OAuth 2.0 uses Bearer Token.
    • OAuth 1.0 has complex implementation compared to OAuth 2.0
    • Due to above factors OAuth 2.0 is more used across the industry.
  • What is JWT?
    • JWT stands for JSON web tokens.
    • JWTs are commonly used for authentication and authorization for web applications and APIs.
  • Why do we use Bearer in front of Token Value?
    • It signifies that client is actually "Bearing" the token as proof of its own identity to access protected resource.
  • What is the difference between Abstract Class and Interface?
    • Abstract class has both Abstracts methods and Concrete methods whereas Interface only consists of Abstract methods
    • An Interface usually is a type of contract that a class which is extending it must implement, class Implements interfaces(CII) and a class extends other classes(CEC).
    • Abstract class cannot be instantiated.
    • A class can only extend One Abstract class but it can implement multiple interfaces.
    • Abstract class acts as a common base class that can have common behavior or functionality.
  • Have you worked upon Mobile Testing?
    • Some of the tools which can be used for mobile testing
      • Appium
      • Espresso
      • Calabash
      • Selendroid
      • Robot framework
      • UI Automator
      • Test Complete
  • What is the difference between HashMap and HashSet?
    • Hashmap is a data structure that stores key-value pairs.
    • It allows you to store and retrieve elements based on keys.
    • Each key in Hashmap must be unique but values can be duplicated.
    • example : HashMap<String, Integer> hm = new HashMap< >();
    • hm.put("testingHackersz", 2024);
    • System.out.println(hm.get("testingHackersz");
    • Hashset is a data structure that stores a collection of unique elements.
    • Unlike Hashmap, HashSet doesn't store key-value pairs; it only stores individual elements.
    • example : HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<>();
    • hs.add("testing 1");
    • hs.add("testing 2");
    • hs.add("testing 2"); -> this will not be added
  • What is HashMap?
    • Already covered.
  • What is the output of a program - Program was based upon Polymorphism concept- Overriding
  • Explain what libraries do you use for Cucumber?
  • What do you understand by Scenario Outline?
Overall Interviewer was really knowledgeable and told that they were hiring for someone who know Mobile testing. So if you are going in for an interview for Accenture, be ready with the questions of Mobile testing.


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