Top 100 Selenium Interview Questions 2021

In this article we will be sharing Top 100 Selenium Interview Questions 2021. If you are from a testing background and willing to learn about Automation, then Selenium should possibly be the first tool you should learn, considering you know the basics of Java or any other programming language. All the companies nowadays looks for Selenium, it is a key skill if you want to pursue your career in Software testing. 

Top 100 Selenium Interview Questions 2021

  1. Explain your framework with Architecture
  2. What is the flow of your framework
  3. What are the different types of Exceptions available in Selenium? Have you faced any Exception while automating a web page?
  4. How to handle Multiple windows using Selenium?
  5. Explain Selenium Architecture
  6. What do you understand by cross browser testing?
  7. Why do we require different drivers for different browsers?
  8. What is POM and why do we need it?
  9. How do you handle popups using Selenium?
  10. How do you handle frames using Selenium?
  11. How to count number of frames in a webpage?
  12. How to Switch on the frames?
  13. What are different locators used in Selenium?
  14. How to handle dynamic changing webelements?
  15. How to verify checkboxes such as - is enabled/ disabled/ unchecked/ displayed/ not displayed?
  16. How to identify all checkboxes and click on it?
  17. How to deal with a dropdown using Selenium?
  18. How will you handle Calendar using Selenium? What would be your approach?
  19. How to click on a particular element in a table?
  20. Explain Navigation commands in Selenium?
  21. What is the difference between Quit and close?
  22. How do you find the number of links available in the webpage?
  23. How do you find out number of rows available on the table?
  24. How do you find out number of cells available on the table?
  25. Find out total number of text boxes in a webpage?
  26. Find out total number of menu available in a webpage?
  27. What is page load timeout?
  28. Difference between implicit wait, explicit wait and fluent wait? Which one do you often use?
  29. What do you understand by Javascript Executor and where have you used it?
  30. How do you capture screenshot using Selenium?
  31. What do you understand by Web driver listener?
  32. How do you scroll in a webpage using Selenium?
  33. How do you upload files using Selenium? Have your ever used AutoIT?
  34. How to handle untrusted certificates using Selenium?
  35. What do you understand by Actions class in Selenium? How do you perform Mouse Hover, Keyboard events, drag and drop?
  36. What do you understand by OOPS?
  37. What is an interface and why do you use it?
  38. What is an abstract class? And why do we use it?
  39. What is the difference between Abstract class and Interface and a normal class?
  40. What do you understand by Polymorphism?
  41. What is method overloading and overriding?
  42. Explain static and non-static member?
  43. What is the difference between Final, Finalize and finally keywords?
  44. What is the difference between equals and == operator?
  45. What is the difference between String, StringBuffer and Stringbuilder?
  46. What is the difference between String s = new String() and String s = " "
  47. Explain how to handle exceptions in Java?
  48. What is try, catch and finally ?
  49. What is the difference between Throw and Throws?
  50. What is Collection?
  51. What is List?
  52. What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?
  53. What is the difference between List, Set and Map?
  54. What is the difference between Vector and ArrayList?
  55. What is the difference between Hash map and Hash table?
  56. What is the difference between Collection and Array?
  57. Where is Collection and where do you intend to use it in Selenium?
  58. What is the difference between HashSet and Linked HashSet?
  59. What is iterator in Java?
  60. What is the difference between list iterator and iterator?
  61. What is the default capacity of ArrayList and HashTable?
  62. What is the difference between Constructor and Method?
  63. What is the difference between this and Super keywords?
  64. How to sort employee class using comparator?
  65. What is super class in Java and explain all methods of Super class?
  66. Does Java support multiple inheritance?
  67. What is Abstraction?
  68. What is Encapsulation?
  69. Can we override main  or Static method in Java?
  70. What is method hiding?
  71. What is the difference between Comparable and Comparator?
  72. What is tree-set?
  73. What is dictionary in Java?
  74. Write a program to count characters in String
  75. Write a program to divide chars and integers in given String - "3g5dg65gfr"
  76. Write a program to demonstrate Hash map Iteration?
  77. Write a program to remove duplicate characters in a string?
  78. Write a program to read and write in a file?
  79. Write a program to demonstrate list to Map conversion?
  80. Write a program to find maximum number in an array?
  81. Write a program to find missing number in an array?
  82. Write a program to demonstrate reading and writing in Excel?
  83. Explain Serialisation and Deserialisation concepts using an example?
  84. Find the greatest number from the integers list, a = 30, b = 40 and c = 10
  85. Write a program to reverse the strings in String Array - {"India", "US", "UK", "Canada"}
  86. Write a program to sum up the digits, for example 89829, output = 36
  87. Write a program to print current date and time?
  88. Write an example of Synchronisation method?
  89. Write a program to print second largest element in an array
  90. Write a program to remove duplicate elements from the Array list?
  91. Write a program to sort integer in an ascending or descending order?
  92. String to integer and integer to String conversion?
  93. Write a program to reverse array list elements?
  94. Write a program to swap 2 variables using third variable?
  95. Write a program to remove all the whitespaces from a string without using replace() method?

There could be lot more questions than listed above! Software testing industry is still growing strong! You are valued only if you gain skills which are trending in the market. We wish to cover CI/CD, Cloud concepts as well because industry is demanding SDET or FSD nowadays.

For Questions on basis of company, Kindly follow below URLs -

Two highly asked programming questions. this is what i observed.
    1.Remove duplicate number from a given array.
    2.reverse a string.

Below are some of the stats that might help you if you are looking out for more opportunities
  1. 92% interviews are on automation testing.
  2.  At least one programming question is asked in all interviews.
  3.  Min 2 programming questions were asked in 63% interviews.
  4.  String based programming questions are mostly asked. 
  5.  Arrays based interview questions are second.
  6.  Data structures were asked in 30% interviews.
  7.  Testing related questions ratio is 2:10.
  8.  Selenium/API framework questions were in all interviews.
  9.  Sql and unix are commonly asked.
  10.  You are expected to know cloud based technologies.
  11.  Questions on API testing are asked in 47% interviews.
  12.  Questions on Jenkins, maven, Git in 86% interviews.
  13.  Selenium vs Java questions ratio is 3:10. 


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